Kill Weeds with Steam and Adopt a Non-Toxic Weed Control Method
- Combination of... Killing Weeds @ 350 deg. Steam OR Hot Water Pressure Washer @ 180 degree
- Do you want to stop using herbicides in community areas?
- Do you want to create a niche business?
- Are you a grower whose biggest problem is weeds?
#145 - Narrow Skid Steamer Trailer
Pressure Washer Steamer Specs
- GX160 Honda Engine
- 5.5Hp
- 2 GPM - 2000 PSI
- Pressure Switch
- Flow switch W/Alternator
- High Limit temp control
- 12V Burner
- Open Gun
- 50ft Hose
- (Single Axle) 5ā x 8ā Aluminum Trailer